Friday, September 24, 2010

The revit process model

North Side of the building

Solar Angle at nearly max... has very less openings due to the artifact lighting differing with each artifact

Entry way human view

South East side view

Windows to bring in diffused shimmering light

Lighting in the entry way from above as well as the windows in the far (look at left wall it is rendered like a paper without weight "glitch in Revit that I cant fix")
Prashanta Singh

The process of my Churchill Museum Project

First planning stage

Mass study of the plan above

Analysis from a human perspective

Site map and structures for the building

The above structure seemed too inaccurate so reverted to squares and rectangles

Structure study of the new square plan

The above square plan didn't fully "feel" like aurora borealis so I reverted to OLD plan

Got tired of the extremely congregated plan so split the three areas and moved it to a much more pleasing 'Form'
Then I went to Revit for HELP....
Prashanta Singh

Found some details about the building in cold

"...these buildings may not look the same as ours, as they are mostly made from metal due to the harsh environment they exist in,  ..."
"...can only be reached by snowmobile, air, or annual sealift.  Many of the inhabitants travel to Churchill, Manitoba to get supplies..."

 The building is shifted up at least 2 ft there.
Some buildings do look like this... that means I can add more windows to mine too, as long as they have double of the double glass openings.  The steepness of the slope, in my design, might have to increase... what do you all think?
Prashanta Singh

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Her curves are hard to handle!

As I was analyzing the elevation of the building, the sheer ugliness of the building struck me so bitterly.  I have decided to convert its form to be more suited to the needs of the flow of the aurora.

However the revit has made life hell and today I end up with just walls maybe tomoorrow I will put more pictures of the progress and process.
Prashanta Singh

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Failed Site And Permafrost Research

I had spent a lot of time on the site but one picture has actually brought me down.  This picture I just saw on google earth and compared the dates to find out that the building has just recently been finished.  I now have to work to get another site.

Also  the permafrost document of Artic magazine vol. 32 no.2 (june 1983) p198 - 203 sort of gives information on the flow of the frost and water which nears 3.5 m at 1747.  In my view the building should be above grade to at least 4m for future protection.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Degree of Fragmentation

"There is no human-induced fragmentation of any significance. Areas around Churchill, Manitoba are possibly the most impacted by the presence of a spaceport and railway line servicing a growing tourism trade and active summer seaport."    seems like the humans have shifted most of the wildlife. BUt

"Habitat Loss and Degradation

It is estimated that 99 percent of this ecoregion remains as intact habitat. Small patches of disturbance occur around scattered communities."

<few hours later>
Researched all the Local woods and its materiality as well as its textures, you will see it in the presentation cause its a lot of images.

Birds and Bears

Well I was thinking creating one or two polar bear sleeping areas but it seems like it would be dangerous
  Also , checking the most common birds with the nest count.  Then gonna reasearch if we can make a house for them as a display too for people.